About MeMarch 24, 2024
Hey, I'm Shubham Singh 👋
I've been on a journey of turning ideas into innovative solutions that make a positive impact. I am currently pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science with speacialisation in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learnign from the Vellore Insitiute of Technology.
Development Experience ⏳
I'm a skilled web developer with a passion for creating efficient, scalable, and user-friendly solutions using TypeScript and JavaScript, and expertise in frameworks like ReactJS, and NextJS . I'm a quick
learner and collaborate closely with clients to create efficient,
scalable, and user-friendly solutions that solve real-world problems.
I have a proven track record of collaborating closely with clients to turn ideas into reality.
Front-end 👨🏻💻
I currently have over 2 Years experience ith HTML , CSS , Tailwind, Javascript, Typescript, ReactJS, NextJS, Redux, Redux Tookit.
Back-end 💾
NodeJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB, Postger Sql, FireBase, FireStore, Graphql, Prisma, JWT authentication.
Mobile Application 📱
React Native + Expo(NativeWind, ContextAPI, Redux), Flutter(Getx, Riverpod, Bloc)
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